from far away to be heard --
men, women, young, old
some with children and toddlers
in tow,
to say our piece in peace,
Alas, the shadow government grows,
for years left unchecked,
and the media has warped
into a self-consumed defect,
Who are we?
Store owners, teachers,
miners of the Rust Belt,
priests and preachers,
people of faith,
of color,
children of the "wretched"
who came through Ellis,
of varying age,
legal and some
once illegal,
we check off:
"Human Race"
Our vote is
our protest march,
and our voices
will be heard --
Our states can no longer sustain
the ills befallen us,
the aims of self interests
leaching this great nation,
The blights must be treated,
The enemies of this great Republic defeated,
And the burdens
of this nation set free.
By Mary E. Lohan
Photo: A Trump/Pence sign stands along Interstate 70 outside the shuttered Stanley Mines Company building in Idaho Springs, Colorado.
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